This week – Friday, March 9

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

This week I: 1. Received an adorable hand delivered invitation to a baby shower. This balloon was tied to our door. When Cole popped it we found a really cute invitation inside.   2. Voted on Super Tuesday. (Many people in VA skipped because we only had two options.) I took Cole with me. With no lines to wait in, …

I “Heart” Nature- Thursday, March 8

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  Nature Walks   One of my fondest memories as a young girl was taking nature walks with my mother. She seemed to know the name of every tree, every flower, every bird… My first semester in college was a summer session. I decided to take environmental biology. It was the best (non-art) class ever! The class even included a …

A.A. Milne Words on Wednesday, March 7

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!

  Creating a list of words or titles is a great way to prompt new page or journal entry ideas. . Pooh inspired Page or Journal entry titles: March is a month known for blustery days. When I think of blustery days, I think of Winnie the Pooh. I am a big Pooh fan – seriously, who isn't? So, I …

Good-bye to Winter 2012- Monday, March 5

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  Remembering Winter 2012   What I will remember or how I would describe – the Winter of 2012: 1. Tardy – the winter was warmer then usual – seemed like it was never going to get started; but, then it was cold and snowed twice in February. 2. Dangerous – saw a lot of avalanche reports on the news …

State it! – Sunday, March 4

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

   State Planning Places I like to go before it's the year 2020." image source   1. Alaska and Hawaii – the most western states. Reasons – obvious! 2. Puerto Rico – the most eastern – "some-day-a" state. I want to see the bioluminescent bays (glow in the dark water.) 3. The Southern States I've never been to: Alabama, …

What’s in your Wallet? ;) – Saturday, March 3

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

A Look into My Pocket Book Where I grew up we called them purses or handbags. When I moved to the southeast I learned the term pocket book. I don’t suppose the name really matters  – it’s what’s inside that really counts! Things found in my pocket book in 2012: 1. Cell phone. 2. Camera. 3. Wallet stuffed with cards …

Distractions – Friday, March 2

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

I remember hating "the news" growing up. We only had one TV. Since my dad was the "TV dictator," when he was home, the TV was always turned to the news (or sports.) As an adult I have not been a big news watcher and over the years Kevin and I have watched less and less news. We found that …

I “Heart” My Job – Thursday, March 1

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

What I "HEART" about my job My best friend and I both enjoy our jobs. . My best friend works as a supervisor at Costco. She has a lot of opportunity for advancement and seems to enjoy her co-workers. She has scheduled work hours and scheduled vacation time. She also gets a pay check on schedule. . In contrast, I …