There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out. What are the First Five things that come to mind when you READ this: My List: 1. I am not a big "repeat" movie watcher. Once I've seen it I probably won't watch it again. But I do have my …
Pin Boards & Story Boards – Tuesday, July 17
How do you track and share the things you enjoy? If you are an Internet user and you haven't discovered or you are missing two of my favorite sites. Pinterest is a great place to organize & share ideas. A Glimpse of My Color Inspiration Board Things I pin on my boards: 1. Photography Ideas 2. Color …
Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Stray Photos
Stray Photos I have bins filled with "stray" photos. Some were duplicates, some were left overs – all of them have been sitting in bins way too long. It was time to make a decision – use them or throw them out! I decided to spend some time this summer making them into something useful – quick and simple 8×8 …
Childhood Memories, Second Grade
What do you remember about 2nd grade? What do you remember about your 2nd Grade teacher? Was he/she fun or stern? Did you like to read? Do you remember the books you read? Did you like Math? Did you discover any talents you had or activities you enjoyed? Were you involved in any school programs or plays? What I remember about SECOND GRADE: …
CraZy RandOm LiFe – Why Do I ? – Saturday, July 14
When I was in high school my gym teacher had a poster in her office with a list. At the top of the list the title said "Why Do I Run." I am not sure why I remember this random bit of information; but, every once in awhile that poster pops into my head. Today that memory got me thinking, …
First Five Memory Prompts: Poppy Orange – Friday, July 13
There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out. What are the First Five things that come to mind when you see this: image source: 1. The first time I saw a poppy was in a terraced garden my mother discovered in front our new home. It had …
Happiness is… comfort – Thursday July 12
This has been a tough week for our family, we lost a dear family member (Kevin's brother) suddenly. Our hearts are broken and it is a little bit difficult to make a "happy list" but, it's times like this when I need a "happy list" the most. There is nothing I can do to change what is, but there …
Oh My Word, Chase – Wednesday, July 11
There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out. What are the First Five things that come to mind when you READ this: 1. Many years ago Kevin and I purchased a little male kitten (to keep our female kitten company) – we called him Chase. 2. As kids, …
It’s My Life – Thought Turning Points – Tuesday July 10
There was a point in my life… 1. There was a day that I realized I had known Kevin for more years of my life then I hadn't known him. (That still kind of blows me away.) 2. There was a point when I discovered that Minute Rice had no nutritional value – AND that it isn't any easier …
Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – List a Story
Sometimes the story is the most important feature of the page. Do your pages tell the story you want them to? The journaling (above) reads: While we were visiting California, Tami wanted to see a “real” sunset. (It had been a very long time since she’d seen the sunset beyond the ocean.) So, we took a drive along the coastline …