Morning Organizing

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

Straighten-Up-Date! My work space can get pretty piled up. When it does, I don’t want to work. So this morning…   1. I got up early (about 5:30 AM) so I could spend time updating Kevin’s business card. (He has been asking me to do this for a few weeks now.) 2. I spent time organizing my PaperTiles by popping …

Saying I Heart You

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.

  Because I Heart You!   Kevin has a daily question. He asks me, “What do you need?” Most of the time I really can’t think of anything I need. But, he asks, and that makes me feel good. I Love Kevin. I want him to feel good too. Here is my list – the various things I do to …