Childhood Memories, Best Friends – Sunday May 20

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.



Childhood Friends

I met my best childhood friend in first grade.

1. Her name was Linda.

2. I never forgot her middle name because it was the same as my favorite aunt's name, Jane.

3. She's a twin.

4. Her mother often dressed her and her twin in matching outfits. One would wear a red version and the other blue.

5. She lived on the same street I lived.

6. We played after school together – almost every day – and all through the summer.

7. We were assigned the same teacher every year from 1st grade – 4th grade (until I moved away.)

8. Her family had a black dog named Peyote. One year, Peyote had puppies, a very large litter. (Later they had her spayed.)

9. Linda & Laura, her twin, were the youngest of 6 – all girls. Most of their sisters were older and had all ready moved out of the house.

10. Their mom worked at a department store, I think it might have been Montgomery Wards.

11. They had shelves filled with National Geographic magazines in their basement. I loved to look at all the pictures.

12. We wrote letters for a couple of years after I moved and I went back to visit once; but, I lost track of them after that.


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