Childhood Memories, Birth Order

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

Pictured above: top row Denis (4), Chuck (1), Cheryl (Chucks wife – pregnant with my neice), Doug (6), and Stan (3). Front row Karen (7), Robert (Dad) Ruth (Mom), Joann (5), Bobby (2), Tami (8 – me).

How did birth order play a role in your childhood?

Being the youngest of eight:

1. I was called “the baby” by my parents and siblings from the time I was born – through high school.

2. My older siblings all claim I was spoiled.

3. There were so many baby sitters (older siblings) available that I hardly ever went any where with my parents.

4. Sophomore through Senior years of high school I was an “only child” (the only one still at home.)

5. I don’t know very much about my oldest siblings youth; but, they know a lot about mine.

6. I got to watch my older siblings do a lot of stuff (including raising their families) and take note of the things that worked well for them (and that didn’t work for them) before I started my own family. I learned a lot.


What is your “place” in your family?