Childhood Memories, Career Day

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.

Career Day

Our school never had a Career Day – where parents are invited to come and tell students about what they do for a living. If they did I don’t think my parent would have been invited.

Many children don’t pay a lot of attention to their parent careers. I was no exception. If you’d asked me what my parents did when I was a child I don’t think I could have answered.

What I remember (or learned later) about my parents careers:


1. My Dad had several jobs in his life such as: farming, farm equipment dealer, lumber mill owner, heavy equipment mechanic, college recruiter, heavy equipment operator. Most of those were before I was born.

2. I remember my dad talking about operating heavy equipment (like bulldozers.)

3. My mom’s career was homemaker though she did have a job here and there.

4. During the Christmas season (I am not sure how many years she did this) my mom worked in the gift wrapping department at JC Penny.

5. My mom also talked about a doctor she worked for (before I was born.)