CraZy RandOm LiFe – Adventures – Saturday May 19

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


Some people are obviously more adventurous than others. I am more adventurous in my heart then I am on paper. 🙂

CraZy RandOm List of 10 Adventurous Things I've done:

1. I've jumped on a trampoline.

2. I've been to the top of the St. Louis Arch.

3. I walked 30 miles in a walk-a-thon.

4. I've been snow skiing.

5. I've had three babies.

6. I moved across the country – far from all of my family.

7. I rode the Maid of the Mist up to Niagara Falls.

8. I've ridden all kinds of roller-coasters.

9. I repelled down a cliff.

10. I climbed up a real rock wall (not one those "fake" rock climbing walls with all the great hand/foot holds!)

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