CraZy RandOm LiFe – Have You Ever? – Saturday, June 23

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



Have You Ever…

1. Climbed to the top of a big hill?
2. Seen a play in an outdoor amphitheater?
3. Eaten a bug – on purpose?
4. Jumped off a bridge?
5. Worn a polka-dot dress?
6. Made a bet and lost?
7. Written a letter to a movie star?
8. Run for a "political" office?
9. Been white water rafting?

10. Entered a talent contest?


Do any of the above questions bring a story to your mind?


Copy the list and add your answers to our comments to be entered in our drawing. Aren't sure how to leave a comment/List? Click here for the details.