Date Night – Sunday February 19

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


Planning to stay in Love

Experts agree that **married couples need to continue their courtship via a weekly "Date Night." It isn't always an easy thing to follow that advice. Kevin and I often turn "date night" into trips to the grocery store (mostly due to lack of planning any other activity – we end up at Costco by default.) 

Realizing that planning is often part of the fun, I decided it was time to make a list of Date Night ideas.

Things to do on Date Night (or Date Day):

1. Make bread or cinnamon rolls from scratch.

2. Do a small project  – like sand and paint Cole's playroom table.

3. Take a nature walk or bike ride together.

4. Go kite flying along the James or York river.

5. Dig out the binoculars and Go bird watching.

6. Go to a driving range to hit golf balls.

7. Go to a community performance.

8. Play scrabble or another board game (make up new rules.)

9. Play Wii.

10. Wash the car together.

11. Take an evening class together.

12. Plan a picnic.

13. Go to a museum.

14. Try a new restaurant together.

15. Watch the fireworks from the parking lot at Busch Gardens. (Summer activity.)

16. Go to an auction.

17. Find a good spot to go star gazing on a clear night. Eat dessert under the stars.

18. Go to the Farmers Market.

19. Pick Fruit at a local orchard.

20. Ride the ferry and feed the seagulls.

I could go on  – but 20 dates is a good start.

How about you? What are some fun dates you'd like to plan for this year? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.

**Not married or in a relationship – don't count yourself out – add your list of plans for "friends night out."