Determination – Wednesday, March 14

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!


oh my word – Determination

Most good things don't just happen – it can take a lot of determination to make and meet goals.
Things that have taken determination in my life:

2. Having Children – fertility pills, tests and more tests, feeling crushed over and over, then being sick for 9 months… All totally worth it. 🙂

3. Maintaining a business – even though I've heard over and over again that failure is part of success I do not like to fail. (Does anyone like to fail?) It takes determination to get beyond the mistakes and keep going.



We all have to be determined at one time or another – to achieve a goal, to overcome adversity… So Today, I have an extra challenge: use this list as a stepping stone. Choose one of your "determination" list items and share your story of DETERMINATION on the Journella Story Boards.

You can read my story "It Takes Determination to Become an official Pirate!" (just click this link.)

If you don't have a Journella account – it is free to register. (Or you can add your story to your own blog.) Be sure to share the link in our comments.


Are you determined? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.