Happiness is… Birthday Cookies! – Thursday, August 16

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



What made me happy this week:

1. Birthday Cookies from Andrea

When Kevin told me that I'd received a box from Andrea Fisher, one of the Mosaic Moments Design Team members, I was surprised. What could possibly be inside?

When I opened the box I found a sweet note telling me to have a wonderful birthday and that I would find cream cheese sugar cookies inside! The cookies were carefully packaged.  When I took off the last layer of wrapping I found this:

2. Birthday Cookies made Mosaic Moment Style!

As if yummy cookies were not a wonderful enough surprise…  she made them in the Mosaic Moments Style and with my signature flowers!

How fun to have a cookie inspired by the Mosaic Moments Design Team Button (image above). Altered just a little – to make it special for me. 🙂


3. Eating the Birthday Cookies

Most of the squares didn't last beyond the end of the day. We haven't been able to resist… just one more. 🙂


If you'd like to have special cookies made for you or for a special friend look for Sweet Endings Cakes on the web – go to: http://www.sweetendingscakes.com  to see the menu of deliciousness. 🙂

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