If I only had a Brain-Heart-Courage – Saturday, March 10

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



Off to see the Wizard!


If you could go to Oz and see the Wizard would you ask him for a brain, a heart, or courage?

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It would be a difficult decision. But if I could only pick one… I'd have to pick a brain. Because if I were a genius…

1. I could carry on a conversation with the nerds from Big Bang Theory.

2. I'd create super fun EDUCATIONAL games for the wii, XBOX, etc.

3. I'd be able to do the programming for Journella myself! (Not that I don't like our programmer – he is great. I am just a little jealous of Mark Zuckerberg.)

4.  I'd know how to make all the stuff my head thinks up. 🙂


So what would you choose (a brain, a heart, or courage) add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.