Pin Boards & Story Boards – Tuesday, July 17

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


How do you track and share the things you enjoy?

If you are an Internet user and you haven't discovered or you are missing two of my favorite sites.

Pinterest is a great place to organize & share ideas.

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A Glimpse of My Color Inspiration Board

Things I pin on my boards:

1. Photography Ideas

2. Color Inspiration

3. Typography & Design Ideas

4. Places I'd like to go

5. Places where I've been

6. DIY tips & Project ideas

7. Organization ideas

8. Holiday Ideas

9. Recipe & Food ideas

10. Memory Prompts (stuff from my childhood)


My other Internet favorite:

Journella is a really great place to privately organize (and/or share) your memories.

 (and I admit to prejudice but it is a really great site!)

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A glimpse of the Stories I've shared on the Journella Story Board

Things I've shared on the Journella Story Boards:

1. Childhood Memories

2. Scrapbook Pages

3. Travel Journals

4. Recipes

5. Humorous Family Stories

6. Thoughts about Education

7. Fun Adventures

8. Birthday Stories

9. Proud Moments

10. "Life is Crazy" stories.


Do you Pin? Have you ever shared a story on Journella /or a blog on the internet? Add your list to our comments to be entered in our drawing. Aren't sure how to leave a comment/List? Click here for the details.