It’s My Life – Frittering Time – Tuesday June 12

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


It's My Life – How do I choose to fritter my time away?

1. Watching TV – my biggest time waster. I'd like to say Tivo has helped me cut back the volume of time I waste watching TV – but really it has just allowed me to cram more TV into the same amount of time. 🙂

2. Pinterest – Pinning stuff can be useful – but, sometimes I am simply pinning meaningless/useless "cute stuff." (Like pigs swimming.)

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3. Facebook – Keeping up with friends, family and interests via facebook is a great way to fritter time – don't you think? (I try not to over do it.)

4. Waiting – my least favorite way to "fritter my time away" but, we all have to do it. We wait at the dentist, we wait on hold for a "real" person to talk to, we wait for the movie to begin, we wait in lines, we wait to arrive at our destination… (If I know I am in for a long wait, I try to be prepared in advance – to have something to do while I am waiting.)

How do you fritter your time away? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our drawing.