oh my word “Interruptions” – Wednesday, April 4

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!


oh my word – Interruptions

Some interruptions are welcome – some are not! 

 1. Snow – I love a good snow day occasionally. It is nice to take a "forced" day off and enjoy time with the kids.

2. TV Commercials – I don't love commercials, mostly because there are just too many of them! They are not a welcome interruption; however, Tivo solved most of that problem for me. 🙂

3. Illness – never a welcome interruption.

4. Phone Calls – these fall into two categories telephone solicitors and friends. The Friends are welcome interruptions, the telephone solicitors – not so much.

5. Alarms & buzzers – For the most part, I stopped using an alarm to wake up many years ago. So, the alarms in my house are mostly welcome. They are set up to remind me of activities & appointments or to let me know when the "cookies" are done. 🙂


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