Spring Rituals – Monday, March 26

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



Spring Rituals

When a woman is in her last stage of pregnancy they say she is nesting. What is it about spring that brings out similar urges? Is it the improved weather, more daylight..? I am not sure; but, I know that when spring comes around I have the urge to:

1. Clean out my garage.

2. Paint rooms in my house.

3. Clean the dust off of my baseboards.

4. Move the furniture.

5. Pull the weeds out of my garden.

6. Pack away the winter coats and sweaters.

7. Eat more fruits and vegetables. (Can't wait for Strawberry season to begin!)

8. Plant flowers.

9. Clean out the closets – again.

10. Organize stuff.


Last spring we painted my office. Cole insisted on helping. He did a great job.

Paint -cole Paint 1

Paint 2


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