Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – List a Story

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., Mosaic Moments™

Sometimes the story is the most important feature of the page. Do your pages tell the story you want them to?

Pacific Surprise wb

The journaling (above) reads:

While we were visiting California, Tami wanted to see a “real” sunset. (It had been a very long time since she’d seen the sunset beyond the ocean.) So, we took a drive along the coastline and found a nice public beach where we could hang out while we watched the setting sun.

Paije and Cole lingered a little too close to the incoming waves and got an unexpected surprise. They had been walking just out side the waters path; however, when Paije took her eyes off of the ocean for a moment, she didn’t notice a much bigger wave rolling in (see photo – top center.) Moments after the photo was snapped Cole was knocked down by a rush of water. Paije did her best to rescue little brother but he was soaked. Thankfully mom’s are prepared for toddler mishaps, and change of clothes was waiting in the car.

My pre-page-design list (The story I wanted to share on this page):

1. Where we were. (California Beach)

2. Why we were there. (To watch the sun set)

3. What happened while we were there. (Caught off guard by a big wave)

4. The "happy ending". (Dry clothes for Cole)

Creating a list before you create your page can help you decide if the story you want to tell is the one your audience will see.

Your "pre-page-design" list can help you:

1. Narrow which photos to include on your page.

2. Determine if the photos alone convey the story you want to tell.

3. Decided what the title & journaling should say.


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