Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Chunky Pinwheel

Tami PotterMosaic Moments™

I love the "Chunky Pinwheel" it has been the starting point for many of my scrapbook pages. (See image below.)


Today I created a page and once again found myself with 4 photos (two horizontal and two vertical) the perfect combination for a chunky pinwheel design. I decided to change the pattern up a bit by cutting mosaic details from the ends of the photos. See image below.

WaterCountry2012 wb

So my variation on the chunky pinwheel became a "4 legged Octopus" pattern that looks like this:



Challenge: Create a 12×12 Mosaic Moments page using a variation on the chunk pinwheel design. Post your pages on or your blog.

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