Oh My Word, Sparkle – Wednesday, July 25

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., OH MY WORD!


There are lots of memories inside our minds – sometimes we just need a little nudge to coax them out.

What are the first things that come to mind when you READ this:


My List:

1. On our way to various conventions we frequently have the opportunity to drive though Charleson, West Virgina. I am always captivated by the WV Capitol building. The beautiful ornate dome is gold and sparkles in the sun.

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2. I love to take photos of water when it sparkles in the sun. I am usually disappointed in the result; but, I've taken some really nice "sparkle" shots with a "star filter" attached to my lense.

Image below was shot with a star filter:

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image source:

3. One of my favorite watches is a Mickey watch with pave crystals that sparkle. Kevin bought it for me as an anniversary gift.

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4. One of my favorite decorations for cookies is sanding sugar – it makes the cookies sparkle.

5. One of my favorite craft items are Stickles. I love that they are easy to use and they make stuff sparkle! (How did we ever get by without them!)

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What memories/thoughts came to your mind? Add your list to our comments to be entered in our snapncrop.com drawing. Aren't sure how to leave a comment/List? Click here for the details.