Mosaic Moments Scrapbooking – Excess Photo Squares

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists., Mosaic Moments™


When I create a page, I often crop photos to fit the grid. Sometimes, the "excess" from images comes in very handy.

Jaime in Williamsburg WB

On the page above, I wanted to include a photo (image below) I had taken of a picket fence, with a Crepe Myrtle draped over it, in Colonial Williamsburg.

Picket fence

After cropping the photo to fit my 3×3 square space, I had enough of it left over to use as "photo mosaic accent pieces" above and below the image in the top left corner. The squares not only fill in the space, the little splash of color also helps to balance out the page.

To see Page Pattern 58 (used for the above page) – go to Pattern 58 on our Mosaic Moments Page Patterns blog.


10 Things I love about visiting Colonial Williamsburg:

1. The authentic period costumes.

2. The gardens.

3. The wells – each with it's own roof top.

4. The stacks of chopped wood.

5. The colonial shops – (learning about the crafts.)

6. Though it is often "loaded" with tourists there is a peaceful atmosphere.

7. The apothecary shop is one of my favorites – so organized!

8. The houses (and other buildings.)

9. The signage on the taverns.

10. The iron and picket fences.

Have you been to a living history Museum? What were some of the things you enjoyed while you were there? Add your comments to be entered in our weekly drawing.