Best Year of Grade School – Tuesday, February 28

Tami PotterChildhood Memories, Life.In.Lists.


Looking back, was there a teacher that really stood out or a year in school when everything seemed good?


My Best Grade School Year – 6th grade

1. I moved during the summer and started at a new school that year.

2. I made several new friends right away, including my best friend Shannon.

3. I had a wonderful teacher named Ms. Kling. (Many students were afraid of her. She was strict and often stern; but, I learned she was also very kind and understanding.)

4. I practically jumped out of my seat during the first week of school when a really loud alarm went off. The alarm was for the volunteer fire department – located next door to the school.

5. The school was located just a few blocks from the bay. Since it was close enough to walk, Ms. Kling took us to the bay and taught us about the animals that live on rocky shores and what we could do to help preserve and protect them.

6. She had a huge saltwater aquarium in our classroom. The aquarium held Puget Sound marine life – like star fish, sea anemone, and sea urchins.

7. To help us learn our spelling words, Ms. Kling taught us how to play "Spelling Baseball."

8. We brushed our teeth in class every day after lunch (dry – no toothpaste or water.) One student sat in front of the class and lead the class in brushing.

9. We (the 6th grade) collected bottles & newspapers and washed the aluminum trays the school lunches came in, to earn enough money to pay for a 6th grade camping trip.

10. We earned the money needed – the trip was really fun and I learned an "around-the-campfire" song that I occasionally sing to my kids to gross them out. Apparently there are several versions to this song – this is what I remember:

Grannies in the cellar – From the kitchen we can smell'er

and she's cookin' something yeller

on the stove.

On her nose there is some matter – and it's drippin in the batter

and with every other stir she takes a…

(make long sniffing noise as arm swipes across face.)

oh bologna, oh bologna

oh I stick a slice in my shoe in the morning!

oh bologna, oh bologna

won't you stick a slice in your shoe in the morning?


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