Spring Forward

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



Spring Planning

Sometimes, planning for something is equally enjoyable to the event itself. Winter can sometimes be a little on the bleak side; but, we always have spring to look forward to.

DC cherry Blossoms
image source:edailyupdate.com

My Spring planning:

1. VIsit the Cherry Blossoms – I am planning a trip to DC to see the cherry blossoms this year.

2. Planting Flowers – I am planning & preparing for my garden. In the past I’ve started vegetables from seed, this year I am going to get an early start with flower seeds too!

3. Spring Cleaning – Digging into the closets, the storage, and under the sinks to purge the excess so we will be “uncluttered” before it is time for deep spring cleaning!

4. Soccer – Signed the kids up for soccer. So, we will be rounding up shoes and knee pads etc. before they get started in March.


What are you doing to plan/prepare for the Spring?