Spring in the Garden – Monday, April 9

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.



Spring in the Garden

When I was 9 years old my family moved from the city into a house surrounded by fields. That summer, while doing yard work, my mother discovered a neglected garden in front of the house. She enlisted help from my sister and I. The three of us began pulling out the weeds and uncovered an amazing burried treasure – a terrace filled with beautiful flowers. I've had an appreciation for gardens – especially flower gardens ever since.

Every Spring I feel the need to plant flowers. Over the years I've planted many.

This spring I am planting:

1. Bowl of Beauty Peonies and Emperor Peonies. (One of the flower varities my mother uncovered in the country house garden.)


Read this peony story : A Peony from the Farmer's Market

2. Creeping Phlox – I am extending this variety along my walking paths.

3. Zinnias – I am growing them from seeds this year.

4. Snapdragons – another variety that reminds me of my mom. She taught us how to make the "dragon" open and close it's mouth. 

5. Poppies – Alexis asked for these.

6. Sunflowers – another variety Alexis asked for.

7. Aster – my first try with this variety.

This is my list – at least so far – no doubt there will be more to come. 🙂


Do you have a garden?  What are you planting this year? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.