This week – Friday, March 16

Tami PotterLife.In.Lists.


This week was Kevin’s Birthday so I took him to a cute little restaurant, down the street from our home, to celebrate. As usual I took pictures.

1. I took a picture of the cute sign. (I love to take pictures of signs – especially signs with personality.)

Carrot tree1


2. I took pictures of the cute painted chairs in front of the building.

Carrot tree chairs


3. I took a picture of Cole looking in the display case.

Carrot tree display case

4. I took pictures of the cute Birthday Boy. 🙂

Carrot tree kevin

5. And I took pictures of the yummy sandwiches before we ate them.

Carrot tree sandwich


What have you been up to this week? Add your list to our comments for a chance to win our weekly drawing.